all postcodes in LA14 / BARROW-IN-FURNESS

find any address or company within the LA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA14 9SA 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SB 1 1 54.111522 -3.227705
LA14 9SD 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SE 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SF 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SG 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SH 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SJ 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SL 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SN 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SP 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SQ 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SR 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9SW 1 1 54.111522 -3.227689
LA14 9BA 1 1 54.117688 -3.224104
LA14 9BE 1 54.11768 -3.224108
LA14 9DL 0 54.11768 -3.224108
LA14 9DN 1 1 54.11768 -3.224108
LA14 9DP 1 1 54.11768 -3.224108
LA14 9DQ 1 54.11768 -3.224108